Very Big Lessons from a Very Small Dog Posted on 16 Nov 17:44

This post is a memorial to our beautiful little Henkerman mascot 'Ari Gold' shown in the picture below - who passed away (12th November 2015).  He was taken all to soon in a vicious attack by another much larger dog - 20 times his weight.  Ari was a 2kg - 10 Month old Chihuahua who was attacked and killed just one week after moving to a small farm in Highvale, Queensland (near Samford Valley) from the City of Brisbane.  It was hoped that Ari would gain access to nature and experience much greater levels of freedom than in the city - where he was brought up.

This is a very short tribute to the most beautiful of little treasures one could ever know - who meant so much to all involved with Henkerman.

Ari Gold - Henkerman Hanger Super Model

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